Repetition Coffee Mexican Chiapas

Regular price $14.00

From the Director of Coffee:

This coffee comes from the CESMACH Cooperative (Campesinos Ecológicos de la Sierra Madre de Chiapas) located in the buffer zone of El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve in the highlands of the Sierra Madre in Jaltenango, Chiapas.  The reserve is one of the world's most diverse forests and its continuous cloud forest is refuge for thousands of plants and animals.  Coffee farming in the buffer zone is all shade-grown and adheres to strict organic farming practices. Biological corridors have been constructed in the area to facilitate bird and animal migration. This coffee is USDA Fair Trade Organic certified.

The Mexico Chiapas is a washed coffee grown at an altitude of 1,200 - 1,750 MASL and is composed of Bourbon, Typica and Mundo Novo varieties.  

Repetition has consistently offered a Mexico Chiapas, as it has become a favorite in our local community. 

The Mexico Chiapas makes for a tasty, well-rounded cup on batch brew.  As an espresso, notes of citric acidity dance over  a nutty, syrupy body.